Saturday, November 26, 2005
` 3rd month `

Lalalala~ im a happy girl.. xD

... a blessed girl.

... a lucky girl.

... a loved girl.

Heez, im just happy la. (:

-11/26/2005 11:13:00 PM-

Sunday, November 20, 2005
` i want... `


Past by a stage with 56's faces on it two days ago, then knew that there's an autograph session today. I intended to go, and even took leave, but who knows, I didnt go in the end. =S

I was too lazy. Well, I didnt queue for I didnt have a concert tix for them to sign.

I didnt even go watch although I intended to. Well, as usual, now i regret and hate myself for being so stupidly lazy.

There's another session tomorrow at Bukit Panjang. So far... I doubt I will go.

Awwwwwww~~~~~~ no more chances of seeing Renfu until the next time they come, which will be in December for their concert. ):

I wanna go!!

Okok.. enough of my complains. Anyway, I had watched the Harry Potter series the whole day. I think that young Harry Potter is so cute. Hahaha~~ and i think that there are more climax in the previous series. The Goblet of Fire lacks of climax.. not exciting enough. Heex~

Went to JP to wait for him. Walked around and shopped by myself. Not a bad feeling to say the truth. Hahhas... shopping is fun! However, I hate JP.. so many people. I have to keep saying "excuse me" here and there. Worse still, some people didnt even bother to give way to you. They blocked the pathway like nobody's business, as though they own that. Guess they should learn to be kinder? Opps.

Lala. 王子变青蛙 - 失去记忆的男孩 is so sad. I cant help but keep crying when i watched it. 心酸酸的...

Alrighty.. time to sleep. -snores-

-11/20/2005 02:56:00 AM-

Monday, November 14, 2005
` ahhhh cooo! `

Sick sick sick!! Sick again. I had lost count of how many times i got sick this year. Bleh. I wan my precious voice back!

I hate java! Java so tough... it is even tougher when you are sick. Nothing gets into your brain. Eeks.

Tomorrow lessons till 6pm. Tiring. Boring.

Lalala. Nothing to blog le.

-11/14/2005 09:13:00 PM-

Tuesday, November 08, 2005
` she's dead `

I was so so so so tired in school today. GEMs, so disgusting. Yep, reading the lecture notes first indeed helped me in understanding what the hell the lecturer was talking about, however, I ended up falling asleep. Worse still, deep asleep. I think I slept for at least one hour in that class. I couldnt open my eyes and listen at what he is talking at all. Hence, I was damn groggy in the morning.

My brain regained conscious only after some walking and a trip to the washroom. I couldnt be blurer. I was so glad someone talked and crapped with me or I will be like a walking zombie. So glad seeing him in the MRT station too, though it was like less than a minute. Hahas~

OOPM killed me. Nearly 3/4 of the class fell asleep in the lecture. I tried so hard to keep awake but as expected, I failed. The lecturer 好闷哦. However, I am so guilty for falling asleep as I had told myself upteem times to pay attention during OOPM as it is the most important module in this semester. Die die die.

I had used up so many brain cells for the practical. I was lost. No one helped me and I was there struggling by myself. I was so happy when I figured out how to do and I succeeded drawing out my initials using java. Okok.. it is nothing big at all, but i am still happy. But sadly, I was so sian after that that I didnt even feel like talking. For that point of time I hated java so much. Hahas~

Went out and bought chocolates again! Fattening, but so yummy. -drools-

I am into sleeping mode soon again. I just woke up for goodness sake. Why am I so tired???

Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa is nice. Dang Ou Dang Ou~


-11/08/2005 12:51:00 AM-

Sunday, November 06, 2005
` slacking pig `

Feeling kinda disappointed with someone. I dunno what I can do, but i guess i had learnt my lesson. Keep certain things confidential... always.

Anyway, I intended to study and read up on some materials for my modules, but as expected, i failed to do so. Im slacking like hell. Hahas~

Kinda tired. Next week gonna be a long week. No more public holidays!!! Boohoo. I'm still in holiday mood. The next long holiday going to be on next year's March. MARCH. Omg. So far away. It is still year 2005 now.

I met some funny people at work today. Well, i said funny cos i was laughing at them with my colleague when they left. One with a straight face, one 'diao' her son when she knew that the waffle her son bought was $1.30, one make so many rounds just to buy one cake, one with a very bad attitude and one choosing breads with eyes peeking at us. Keke. You must see them in person, they are so... ermm... 'cute'. Hahas~

Shitty thing. I just realised my lesson on Tuesday end at 6pm!!! How come i didnt see it the last time? BOOHOO. So late. I rather lessons start earlier and end earlier. I want change my timetable!

-11/06/2005 08:34:00 PM-

Wednesday, November 02, 2005
` the torture `

School started. *Yawns*

Well... i knew this post came late. Hahas~ I've been really unlucky this semester. Going to be damn jialat. Got a couple of lecturers who can't speak properly, or rather, clearly. Im so so tong ku now.

First i met my lecturer for my GEM. I totally regretted the choice I've made, but what can i do? Hahas... die le lor. Somemore within the 2 hours of lecture, i can only understand less than 5 sentences out of the lecturer's mouth. How terrible ish that? I dun even noe how am i going to pass this module. I just hope i will be able to do well. Worse thing now is that the GEM i chose isnt that slack at all. There are so many tests for it. Dammit.

Some other lecturers are equally bad too. However, maybe a little bit better. Hahas~ still, I want better lecturers!!

Hais... i need self-motivation badly. I still cant help but dozed off during lectures although it is only the 2nd day of school. Opps. I didnt mean to, but all the lecturers are really boring peeps.

Im so glad tomorrow is another public holiday. I love public holiday. Hohoho. And Friday is a short day!! Yay~ -dances around- somehow i love my timetable, but not the modules inside. Opps!

Yawns.. working tomorrow. Work isnt that bad. Just need to be careful when talking in front of somebody, and be tolerant. Then everyone will be happy and be in good relations. Guess that is important when it comes to work? Be tolerant.

I'm feeling so sleepy, bloated, fat and self-conscious now. -sobs-

-11/02/2005 09:28:00 PM-